Dr Nihara Krause (Clinical Psychologist)

Dr Nihara Krause is a Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years experience in treating problems of mental health and wellbeing. Having worked as an NHS consultant, she now runs her own private practice.

Dr Krause specialises in the treatment of depression, eating disorders, self-harm, self-esteem issues and obsessive compulsive behaviours, in teenagers and in adults. She has worked as an NHS consultant for eating disorders, setting up a specialist out-patient service; and has consulted on eating disorder guidelines for the British Psychological Society. She also has extensive experience in pain management and the effects of abuse and trauma.

Dr Krause also heads the MindYour5 project (www.mindyour5.co.uk) which is a fun activity schedule which people do with a booklet in order to promote good mental health.

Website: www.niharakrause.co.uk

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